New year, new music! I’ve just started composing a piece for two violas and string orchestra. I’m expecting it to be around seven minutes and in ritornello form, but this may change as I continue to work on it.
Composing is such a strange process. You can think you’ve made excellent progress one day and then, when you listen the next, you realise it’s not right and delete it all. But still, for me, it’s exciting.
I’ve now sent my beginner cello book – Wild Cello – to my publishers and I’m also arranging the pieces for piano. I haven’t composed for piano before, so this is new for me, but I think the music will adapt well, although some of the pieces will need a bit of a rethink. If there’s a local pianist ( in Cambridgeshire) around Grade 5/6 who would like to try these and give me some feedback, please get in touch…